# Raise New Complaint Token,
# Can Register multiple Stores in single App,
# Show Pending Complaints,
# Track Previous History,
# No need to call. Just raise the token, Our support team will call you.
# Handling Complaints in digital format,
# Select the Store,
# Note the Complaint,
# Capture the screen shot to understand the complaint easily,
# Submit the Complaint.
# View your unresolved tokens,
# Get the complete track of a specific Token,
# Collaborate with the support team very easily,
# Store wise Pending complaints.
# View the complaints history for the given period,
# Can Select the Store,
# Can track the complete life cycle of a perticular token,
# Can reopen it again if it is not resolved,
# Give Ratings to the resolved complaints.
# Check your Account,
# Get the list of stores connected to the App,
# Register new store by scanning QrCode,
# Alternate way of registration is also given.
The VenxCare App serves as a platform for users of Virbee, Venxmart, and VenxPOS to submit their complaints. Furthermore, users are able to track the progress of their complaints and access their complaint history for review.
VenxCare is absolutely free with any of the applications provided by Venx.
Yes, You can capture a screenshot of your complaint on the desktop while submitting a new complaint token.
VenxCare allows users to register the number of stores within the App. Users have the option to submit complaints regarding the specific store in question.
Absolutely No.. Upon registering the new complaint token, our dedicated support team will be able to view your complaint on their dashboard. They will contact you promptly during office hours.